Columbia University in New York City, established in 1754。 Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, established in 1702。 Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, established in 1853. Harvard University Established by the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636, Harvard University is the oldest and one of the most esteemed institutions of higher learning in the United States. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the university was named for John Harvard, a Puritan minister who died in 1638 and left half of his estate to the school. Shown here are University Hall and part of Harvard Yard. Undergraduates are now required to take courses for the equivalent of an academic year in each of five areas: literature and arts, history, social analysis and moral reasoning, science, and foreign cultures. In addition, students must spend roughly the equivalent of two years on courses in a field of concentration and one year on elective courses. Students must also demonstrate petence in writing, mathematics, and a foreign language. During their freshman year, students live in halls within Harvard Yard, a walled enclosure containing several structures from the early 18th century now used as dormitories, dining facilities, libraries, and classrooms. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors live in the 12 residences known as houses. Each house acmodates approximately 350 students and a group of faculty members who provide individual instruction as tutors, fostering social and intellectual exchange between students and teachers. Each house also has a library and sponsors cultural activities and intramural athletics. Yale University Chartered in 1701, Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, is one of the oldest and most highly acclaimed universities in the United States. It has a residential college system modeled after England’s Cambridge and Oxford universities. The towering Harkness Hall, shown here, houses a 54bell carillon, one of the largest in the world. All firstyear students live in dormitories on the Old Campus。Unit 4 Education in America Three features of educational system in America as a solution to various social problems Three features of educational system in America years of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries Today more than 56 million Americans are attending a wide variety of schools and universities across the nation. About half of all the people in