

2024-01-18 22:30本页面

【正文】 nown Target RNC  No response  ……  Handover failure  Configuration Unsupported  Physical Channel Failure  Unspecified  Relocation abort  No response  Other cause InterRAT handover in counter  Measurement Point  Stat. Number of Handover ining request in Point A  Stat. Number of Handover ining prepare success in Point B  Stat. Number of Handover ining success in Point C F1: Successful interRAT HO ining procedure R EL O C A T I O NR EQ U ESTCN T R N CAH A N D O V ER T OU T R A N C O M PL ET ER EL O C A T I O NR EQ U ESTA C KN O W L ED G EBCR EL O C A T I O NC O M PL ET EDN o d e B UER A D I O L I N KR EST O R EI N D I C A T I O N InterRAT handover in counter  InterRAT handover in KPI  Handover in prepare success rate = Handover ining prepare success/Handover ining request  Handover in success rate = Handover ining success/Handover ining request  Overall counter  Handover ining request  Handover ining prepare success  Handover ining success InterRAT handover in counter  Failure cause  Prepare failure  No Resource Available  Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System  Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system  Relocation abort  Other cause  Handover failure  Relocation abort  No response  Other cause InterRAT cell change counter  Measurement Point  Stat. Number of cell change outgoing request in Point B of Figure1 and Point A of Figure2  Stat. Number of cell change outgoing success in Point D of Figure1 and Point B of Figure2 UE SRNC CNC E L L C H A N GEOR D E R F R OMU T R A NI U R E L E A S EC OM M A N DABCM E A S U R E M E N TR E P OR TI U R E L E A S EC OM P L E T ED F1: UTRANcontrolled cell change outgoing procedure F2: UEcontrolled cell change outgoing procedure ASR N S C O N T E X T R ES PO N SESR N S C O N T E X T R EQ U ESTSR N C CNI U R EL EA SE C O MMAN DI U R EL EA SE C O MPL ET EBInterRAT cell change counter  InterRAT cell change KPI  Success rate = Cell change success / Cell change outgoing request  Overall counter  Cell change outgoing request  Cell change outgoing success  Typical bearer based counter  PS64kbps  PS128kbps  PS384kbps  Failure cause counter  Configuration unacceptable  Physical Channel Failure  Unspecified  No response  Other Cell update counter  Measurement Point  Stat. Number of cell update request in Point A  Stat. Number of cell update success in Point B in case1 or case2  Stat. Number of cell update success in Point C in case3  Case1:the UE camps on the same cells and keeps in CELL_PCH state before and after cell update  Case2:the UE camps on the same cells and keeps in CELL_FACH state before and after cell update, also the update cause is not cell reselection  Case3: all cases except case1 and case2 BCEL L U PDA TECEL L U PDA TE CON F IRMUE RNCPHY SIC AL CHA NNE L RE CON FIG U RAT ION CO M
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