nown Target RNC No response …… Handover failure Configuration Unsupported Physical Channel Failure Unspecified Relocation abort No response Other cause InterRAT handover in counter Measurement Point Stat. Number of Handover ining request in Point A Stat. Number of Handover ining prepare success in Point B Stat. Number of Handover ining success in Point C F1: Successful interRAT HO ining procedure R EL O C A T I O NR EQ U ESTCN T R N CAH A N D O V ER T OU T R A N C O M PL ET ER EL O C A T I O NR EQ U ESTA C KN O W L ED G EBCR EL O C A T I O NC O M PL ET EDN o d e B UER A D I O L I N KR EST O R EI N D I C A T I O N InterRAT handover in counter InterRAT handover in KPI Handover in prepare success rate = Handover ining prepare success/Handover ining request Handover in success rate = Handover ining success/Handover ining request Overall counter Handover ining request Handover ining prepare success Handover ining success InterRAT handover in counter Failure cause Prepare failure No Resource Available Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System Relocation not supported in Target RNC or Target system Relocation abort Other cause Handover failure Relocation abort No response Other cause InterRAT cell change counter Measurement Point Stat. Number of cell change outgoing request in Point B of Figure1 and Point A of Figure2 Stat. Number of cell change outgoing success in Point D of Figure1 and Point B of Figure2 UE SRNC CNC E L L C H A N GEOR D E R F R OMU T R A NI U R E L E A S EC OM M A N DABCM E A S U R E M E N TR E P OR TI U R E L E A S EC OM P L E T ED F1: UTRANcontrolled cell change outgoing procedure F2: UEcontrolled cell change outgoing procedure ASR N S C O N T E X T R ES PO N SESR N S C O N T E X T R EQ U ESTSR N C CNI U R EL EA SE C O MMAN DI U R EL EA SE C O MPL ET EBInterRAT cell change counter InterRAT cell change KPI Success rate = Cell change success / Cell change outgoing request Overall counter Cell change outgoing request Cell change outgoing success Typical bearer based counter PS64kbps PS128kbps PS384kbps Failure cause counter Configuration unacceptable Physical Channel Failure Unspecified No response Other Cell update counter Measurement Point Stat. Number of cell update request in Point A Stat. Number of cell update success in Point B in case1 or case2 Stat. Number of cell update success in Point C in case3 Case1:the UE camps on the same cells and keeps in CELL_PCH state before and after cell update Case2:the UE camps on the same cells and keeps in CELL_FACH state before and after cell update, also the update cause is not cell reselection Case3: all cases except case1 and case2 BCEL L U PDA TECEL L U PDA TE CON F IRMUE RNCPHY SIC AL CHA NNE L RE CON FIG U RAT ION CO M